Piping ggplot2 objects into plotly

The pipe operator (|>) offers a way to write cleaner and more readable code in R, and many are familiar with piping objects into functions. However, creating interactive graphs with plotly package is less straightforward than most cases. When you try to pipe a ggplot2 object directly into ggplotly() from the plotly packge without storing it in a variable or using curly braces, you will encounter an error. This happens because the pipe operator passes the output of the left-hand side expression as the first argument to the function on the right-hand side.

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Review articles in political science journals

Review articles remain an important part of academic publishing, offering overviews of the current state of knowledge, synthesising research trends, or critically engaging with key debates. Political science journals feature a variety of article types that fall under this broad category, including state-of-the-field reviews, literature surveys, and review essays. These formats provide scholars with an opportunity to summarise key developments, highlight gaps in the literature, and propose directions for future research.

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Latest publications

  • Pasi Pohjolainen, Iida Kukkonen, Pekka Jokinen, Wouter Poortinga, Charles Adedayo Ogunbode, Gisela Böhm, Stephen Fisher, Resul Umit (2024) The role of national affluence, carbon emissions, and democracy in Europeans' climate perceptions. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 37(2), 515–533. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Resul Umit, Asimina Michailidou, Hans-Joerg Trenz (2024) Translating the complexity of EU differentiation: A comparative analysis of news coverage in Germany, Denmark, and the UK. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 32(4), 1273–1290. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Philip Cowley, Resul Umit (2023) Legislator dissent does not affect electoral outcomes. British Journal of Political Science, 53(2), 789–795. Abstract DOI  pdf code

Unpublished research

  • Resul Umit (2019) Unfulfilled winning expectations decrease voter satisfaction with democracy. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Resul Umit, Melek Zağralı (2015) The Turkish repeat elections of November 2015. Abstract  pdf