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Journal articles


  • Pasi Pohjolainen, Iida Kukkonen, Pekka Jokinen, Wouter Poortinga, Charles Adedayo Ogunbode, Gisela Böhm, Stephen Fisher, Resul Umit (2024) The role of national affluence, carbon emissions, and democracy in Europeans' climate perceptions. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 37(2), 515–533. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Resul Umit, Asimina Michailidou, Hans-Joerg Trenz (2024) Translating the complexity of EU differentiation: A comparative analysis of news coverage in Germany, Denmark, and the UK. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 32(4), 1273–1290. Abstract DOI  pdf


  • Philip Cowley, Resul Umit (2023) Legislator dissent does not affect electoral outcomes. British Journal of Political Science, 53(2), 789–795. Abstract DOI  pdf code
  • Lena Schaffer, Resul Umit (2023) Public support for national vs. international climate change obligations. Journal of European Public Policy, 30(3), 537–573. Abstract DOI  pdf code
  • Resul Umit (2023) Rallies around the flag-draped coffins: The electoral effects of security force casualties in terror attacks. Political Science Research and Methods, 11(1), 53–62. Abstract DOI  pdf code


  • Resul Umit, Lena Schaffer (2022) Wind turbines, public acceptance, and electoral outcomes. Swiss Political Science Review, 28, 712–727. Abstract DOI  pdf code
  • Resul Umit (2022) Solar panels and political attitudes. Political Studies Review, 20(3), 525–533. Abstract DOI  pdf code


  • Katrin Auel, Resul Umit (2021) Who's the Boss? An analysis of the vote on the 'European Union (Notice of Withdrawal) Bill' in the House of Commons. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 29(4), 468–484. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Resul Umit (2021) Parliamentary communication allowances: Good for nothing?. Political Studies Review, 19(3), 492–500. Abstract DOI  pdf code


  • Resul Umit, Katrin Auel (2020) Divergent preferences and legislative speeches on Brexit. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, 30(2), 202–220. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Resul Umit, Lena Schaffer (2020) Attitudes towards carbon taxes across Europe: The role of perceived uncertainty and self-interest. Energy Policy, 140. 1–7. Abstract DOI  pdf code


  • Resul Umit, Wouter Poortinga, Pekka Jokinen, Pasi Pohjolainen (2019) The role of income in energy efficiency and curtailment behaviours: Findings from 22 European countries. Energy Research & Social Science, 53, 206–214. Abstract DOI  pdf


  • Christina Demski, Wouter Poortinga, Lorraine Whitmarsh, Gisela Böhm, Stephen Fisher, Linda Steg, Resul Umit, Pekka Jokinen, Pasi Pohjolainen (2018) National context is a key determinant of energy security concerns across Europe. Nature Energy, 3, 882–888. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Katrin Auel, Resul Umit (2018) Explaining MPs’ communication to their constituents: Evidence from the UK House of Commons. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 20(3), 731–752. Abstract DOI  pdf


  • Resul Umit (2017) Communication without legislation? A cross-national field experiment on members of parliament. Representation, 53(2), 117–134. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Resul Umit (2017) With happiness and glory, from your MP: The use of e-newsletters in the UK parliaments. Parliamentary Affairs, 70(4), 759–779. Abstract DOI  pdf
  • Resul Umit (2017) Strategic communication of EU affairs: An analysis of legislative behaviour on Twitter. Journal of Legislative Studies, 23(1), 93–124. Abstract DOI  pdf


  • Mario Gavenda, Resul Umit (2016) The 2016 Austrian presidential election: A tale of three divides. Regional & Federal Studies, 26(3), 419–432. Abstract DOI  pdf code
  • Elad Klein, Resul Umit (2016) The electoral connection of ministerial selection in the UK. Journal of Legislative Studies, 22(2), 276–294. Abstract DOI  pdf


  • Resul Umit (2015) The 2014 presidential election in Turkey. Electoral Studies, 39, 173–177. Abstract DOI  pdf



  • Pasi Pohjolainen, Iida Kukkonen, Pekka Jokinen, Wouter Poortinga, Resul Umit (2018) Public perceptions on climate change and energy in Europe and Russia: Evidence from Round 8 of the European Social Survey. London: European Research Infrastructure Consortium. Abstract Online  pdf