Subject ▸ elections

Evaluating the impact of parliamentary allowances

In many democracies, members of parliaments are allocated publicly funded allowances to communicate with their constituents. These allowances are intended to strengthen democratic engagement by fostering a closer connection between the electorate and their representatives. But how effective are these funds in achieving this aim? Insights from the UK House of Commons My recent publication, Parliamentary Communication Allowances: Good for Nothing?, explores the impact of these allowances in the UK House of Commons on electoral outcomes.

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Evaluating the impact of parliamentary allowances

In many democracies, members of parliaments are allocated publicly funded allowances to communicate with their constituents. These allowances are intended to strengthen democratic engagement by fostering a closer connection between the electorate and their representatives. But how effective are these funds in achieving this aim? Insights from the UK House of Commons My recent publication, Parliamentary Communication Allowances: Good for Nothing?, explores the impact of these allowances in the UK House of Commons on electoral outcomes.

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